Ini bukanlah surat Anwar Ibrahim tetapi satu dokumen yang menjadi bukti bahawa ideologi yang di bawa oleh Pakatan Pembangkang sama seperti ideologi penubuhan negara Israel.
Di atas adalah ucapan Perdana Menteri Israel Ben Gurion pada 14 May tahun 1948. Ben Gurion memainkan peranan penting dalam mewujudkan sebuah negara baru yang diberi nama Israel.
Ucapan di atas menerangkan betapa pentingnya negara Israel kepada Yahudi.
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"impelled by this historic and traditional attachment, Jews strove in every successive generation to re-establish themselves in their ancient homeland. in recent decades they returned in their masses. pioneers, immigrants coming to the land of Israel despite ristrict legislation, and defenders, they made desert bloom, revived the Hebrew languange, built villages and towns, and created thriving community controlling its own economy and its own culture, loving peace but knowing how to defend itself, bringing the blessings of progress to all the country's inhabitants, and aspiring towards independent nationhood. In the year 5657 (1897), answering the call of the spiritual father of the Jewish State, Theodor Herzl, The First Zionist Congress convened and proclaimed the right of the Jeweish people to the national rebirth in its own country."
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"on 29 November 1947, The United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution calling for the establishment of a Jewish State in Eretz Israel...the General Assembly required the inhabitants of Eretz Israel to take such steps as were necssary for the implementation of that resolution. this recognistionby the United Nations of the right of the Jewish peoples which founded the United Nations."
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"The State of Israel will be open to the Jewish immigration and the ingathering of the exiles will foster the development of the country for the benefit of all its inhabitants, will be based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophet of Israel; will ensure complete equality of social and political rights too all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, and will be faithfull to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations.
Macam pernah dengar...equality? open to all, ikut charter United Nations? Dalam petikan tersebut kalau korang boleh berundur masa sebentar semasa Singapura dikeluarkan dari Malaysia. Kebanyakan ideologi kemerdekaan Israel semua digunakan oleh Singapura, terutama ideologi equality (walaupun tidak diaplikasikan oleh Israel ataupun Singapura sendiri).
Di Malaysia pihak mana lagi yang menjanjikan kesamarataan kalau tak PKR dan DAP. PAS tidak begitu perjuangkan kesamarataan tapi apa boleh buat sebab dah jadi keldai.
Dari isu menyokong keselamatan israel kepada mengamalkan ideologinya kini - tidak mustahil Pembangkang boleh mengaplikasikan semuanya sekiranya dapat memegang tampuk pemerintahan negara. Jika tidak
kerana pendedahan ini mungkin kita tak tahu dari mana asal usulnya perjuangan pembangkang menuntut KESAMARATAAN berbanding KESAKSAMAAN yang diamalkan oleh Kerajaan sedia ada.
*Jangan lupa dalam pemimpin pembangkang sekarang ni ada keturunan Yahudi sehingga diangkat menjadi EXCO Negeri. Nak tahu siapa??? Lihat 'print screen' di bawah.
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