Megat Panjialam

. إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُحِبُّ الَّذِينَ يُقَاتِلُونَ فِي سَبِيلِهِ صَفّاً كَأَنَّهُم بُنيَانٌ مَّرْصُوص 61.4. Sesungguhnya Allah menyukai orang yang berperang dijalan-Nya dalam barisan yang teratur seakan-akan mereka seperti suatu bangunan yang tersusun kokoh.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Banglo Terlajak Murah ~ 8 Soalan Yang Kita Tahu Lim Guan Eng Berbohong

Accusation: Your house was bought 60% below market value from a seller who is linked to a company who was awarded a project by your state govt.

Answer: My house got no swimming pool.

Accusation: Your house was bought 60% below market value from a seller who is linked to a company who was awarded a project by your state govt.

Answer: My house is old. (somehow land cost doesn't matter).

Accusation: Your house was bought 60% below market value from a seller who is linked to a company who was awarded a project by your state govt.

Answer: My house not as nice as Khir Toyo's house.

Accusation: Your house was bought 60% below market value from a seller who is linked to a company who was awarded a project by your state govt.

Answer: Repeat outside parliament and I will sue you. (YB Shabudin already repeated in a formal press conference on the same day and even showed the documents to televised media).

Accusation: Your house was bought 60% below market value from a seller who is linked to a company who was awarded a project by your state govt.

Answer: Meet me in my office one-to-one and we have coffee.

Accusation: Your house was bought 60% below market value from a seller who is linked to a company who was awarded a project by your state govt.

Answer: Come visit my house! Me and my wife serve you free water.

Accusation: Your house was bought 60% below market value from a seller who is linked to a company who was awarded a project by your state govt.

Answer: I don't know market value (even though he is CM for 8 years, lived in the house for 7 years and any sane person would have checked market values when buying a multi-million home).

Accusation: Your house was bought 60% below market value from a seller who is linked to a company who was awarded a project by your state govt.

Answer: Our Sec-gen LGE already gave tour of his house to media. Other MBs and CMs should do the same. (But unlike LGE, other MBs and CMs actually stay in their official residence).

8 soalan yang boleh membuatkan kita terfikir apakah Guan Eng berbohong ataupun bercakap benar. Penafian ataupun denial yang dibuat agak meragukan. Duti Stamp harga tinggi tapi mengapa bayar harga rendah?

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