
Malaysia gears up for its most critical general election ever, a prominent
opposition figure has come forward with allegations American foundations
organized protest rallies and channelled funds to opposition political parties.
early May 2013, Malaysia will face its most competitive political battle since
its independence in the form of an election that pits Malaysia’s ruling Barisan
Nasional (BN) coalition, which has governed the country since 1957, against the
opposition Pakatan Rakyat (PR) coalition that has received extensive training
and backing from US government-funded foundations.
has often seen Malaysia’s leaders as stubborn, and as the unpopularity of the
ruling coalition increases, organizations like the National Endowment for
Democracy (NED) have significantly greased the wheels to improve the
US-friendly opposition’s chances of coming to power through multi-faceted media
campaigns and support for anti-government street demonstrations.
one side, Malaysia’s former PM Dr. Mahathir Mohamad often caught the ire of
Washington for his unceasing criticism of Israel and US foreign policy, while
the incumbent PM Najib Razak has toned down the rhetoric and has pursued a
business friendly approach with the West, while deepening economic ties with
the other side, de-facto opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, who formerly served
as Deputy PM under Mahathir’s government, leans closely to the United States.
During his political tenure, Anwar was sacked for implementing IMF austerity measures while Mahathir spearheaded Malaysia’s recovery from the 1997 Asian financial crisis through currency controls and protectionist measures. After his political fall, he served as Chairman of the Development Committee of the World Bank and IMF in 1998, and later chaired the Washington-based Foundation for the Future, a US-funded think-tank established by Elizabeth Cheney, the daughter of the former US Vice President. Anwar enraged many in Muslim-majority Malaysia when he stated that he would support a policy to protect the security of Israel in an interview with the Wall Street Journal – a stark contrast to the ruling coalitions’ firm stance in support of Palestine. Anwar’s unique credentials and close ties to the US political and financial establishment make him undeniably preferred in Washington
National Endowment for Democracy or NED, is a Washington-based foundation that
supports democratic initiatives and US-friendly opposition groups abroad,
provides over $1 million to various projects in Malaysia each year. The NED has
regularly come under fire because of the overtly political nature of its
programs, and because senior US political figures have leading roles in the
addition to funding electoral watchdogs, human rights monitors and news
websites that slant toward the opposition, the International Republican
Institute has received millions for its Malaysian programs, which assist
“political parties and their associated think tanks in being effective
representatives of their constituencies.” IRI is chaired by conservative
Senator John McCain, known for his extremely aggressive position in favor of
Israel and US conflicts overseas, while other leading figures have held senior
foreign policy positions in the Reagan and Bush administrations. “IRI works in
countries important to U.S. interests, where we can make a difference… IRI
focuses on three tasks: helping political parties broaden their appeal,
ensuring that they rule justly once elected and aiding civil society in
guaranteeing good governance… IRI can help catalyze the efforts of democratic
activists in a country -- so long as they want change more than we want it for
them,” writes IRI’s president, Lorne Craner, who previously held a position in
the US State Department.
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs also receives a huge
budget for their Malaysian projects. Madeleine Albright, former US Secretary of
State, a famous cheerleader for American exceptionalism and NATO militarism,
chairs NDI. In addition, both former US Senator Thomas Daschle and former AIPAC
director Kenneth Wollack have high positions in NDI. Malaysia’s opposition
coalition won historic gains in the 2008 elections and took control of key
states such as Penang and Selangor. According to the NED’s website, IRI
received $802,122 in 2010 to work with“state leaders in Penang and Selangor to
provide them with public opinion research, training and other resources to
enable them to be more effective representatives of their constituents”. IRI
claims that it “does not provide direct funding to political parties” in Malaysia,
but their lack of transparency, significant budget and emphasis on helping
broaden the appeal of political parties in opposition-held states suggests at
the very minimum that funding is taking place indirectly.
NED is funded primarily through the US Congress, within the budget of USAID, the US agency for development assistance, which is part of the US State Department – this means that the money NED gives to foreign countries comes from public funds paid by US taxpayers. Funding mostly flows to its two main component parties, the International Republican Institute (IRI) and the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI). NED is required to publish its financial disbursements, but this doesn't apply to the smaller foundations that it in turn finances, such as the IRI and NDI, both the main recipients of funding in Malaysia.
According to the NDI’s
official website, it conducts “state-level parliamentary workshops in Selangor
and Penang” because “opposition parties have had limited experience in
government, many of the parliamentarians elected in 2008 lacked a fundamental
understanding of parliamentary processes and of representing constituent
concerns.” Starting from 2007, Malaysians have shown support for Bersih, an
electoral watchdog group known as the ‘Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections.’
Bersih has organized rallies calling for electoral reform, which many
criticized as being as thinly veiled anti-government protests due to the
participation of key opposition figures. Bersih coalition leader Ambiga
Sreenevasan, recipient of the US State Department’s Award for International
Women of Courage, has under pressure conceded that Bersih accepted funds from
US government-linked foundations such as NDI, and the Open Society Institute,
headed by billionaire financier George Soros. Tunku Abdul Aziz Ibrahim, a
Malaysian senator and former opposition figure, has recently issued statements
detailing American involvement in funding and organizing the Bersih rallies
said that Americans from US-based foundations were calling the shots and
outlining the functions and operations of Bersih. “In the meeting, I was
offered to head the watchdog because they said I have the credentials,
integrity and credibility for the post. They told me that the movement was to
ensure free and fair elections in the country,” said Tunku Aziz, disclosing
that he was offered some $4,000 monthly plus other perks and allowances for his
position. Aziz also accused Malaysia’s opposition leader of using Bersih to
channel support to his political campaign, “Anwar makes good use of his
international networking to get these funds. I don’t know whether Bersih
leaders knew it or not. But Bersih is Anwar’s vehicle to receive international
funds under the guise of democracy and free and fair elections. Bersih is not a
non-partisan independent organisation. It’s Anwar’s baby.” Aziz resisted
overseas funding because he claims it compromises national integrity and
dignity. “Local organisations should justify their existence to Malaysians, not
to foreigners. Local organisations should not owe their existence and
allegiance to foreigners,” he stressed.
closer examination of the language used by these foundations, when they claim
to be working toward “broadening the appeal of political parties,” a critical
question comes to mind – when does so-called ‘democracy-promotion’ become
political interference? The work of the NED has ostensibly blurred the line
between the two, while masking their overt backing for actors they support in
the benign language of electoral transparency, freedom and the promotion of
human rights. Malaysia’s ruling coalition is far from perfect – it is unwilling
to address issues of high-level corruption, elite opulence remains a huge
problem, and racial minorities feel animosity over ethnic-based affirmative
action policies that favor the Muslim majority. The opposition coalition, which
has vowed to eliminate authoritarianism and elite graft, has released a
manifesto that some have lauded, while others have been more skeptical of. NED
does not conduct a single democracy initiative in neighboring US-ally
Singapore, despite having a less democratic environment than that of Malaysia –
so what could be motivating Washington to spend so much attention on supporting
Malaysia’s opposition coalition?
not ignore the elephant in the room – the real purpose of America’s resurgence
of interest in the ASEAN bloc is to fortify the region as a counterweight
against Beijing. PM Najib Razak has attached primary importance to Malaysia’s
relationship with China, as he looked to Beijing to revive Malaysia's
export-oriented economy after the 2008 global financial crisis. Sino-Malaysian
exchange in areas such as finance, infrastructure development, science and
technology, and education have never been higher. China has been Malaysia's
largest trade partner, with trade figures reaching $90 billion in 2011 while
Malaysia is China’s largest trading partner among ASEAN nations. Washington’s
backing for Malaysia’s US-friendly opposition must be seen in the context of
its moves to bolster its military muscle and dominance over the Asia-Pacific
region in line with its ‘Pivot to Asia’ policy. Malaysia has sovereign rights
over the Straits of Malacca, China’s most critical supply routes that transport
oil and other materials vital to its continued economic development. Aside from
its strategic location, Malaysia has a booming economy that averages around 7
percent annual growth, it is the world’s third largest exporter of liquefied
natural gas (LNG) after Qatar and Indonesia, and the country has holds over 4
billion barrels of proven oil reserves.
is a key player in Southeast Asia, and Washington is doing what it can to tip
the scale in favor of the opposition after its success in the 2008 elections.
In 2013, the opposition coalition is relying on votes from those dissatisfied
with the status quo and a large demographic of young voters who want to
challenge the ruling coalition’s infallibility at the polls. Under the watch of
the ruling coalition, Malaysia was transformed from an exporter of rubber and
tin into a key industrial player with a strong domestic automobile industry.
The ruling coalition has overseen stable economic growth, while promising 3.3
million new jobs in the high-income sector and attracting multi-million dollar
investments. As critical elections loom in the country and critics ask whether
the untested opposition is able to guarantee continued growth, voters
deliberating between the ruling coalition and the opposition will also
indirectly be choosing between China and the US. The results of the upcoming
election are expected to be the closest ever, and the potential for political
turbulence is at an all-time high. The millions that have been funnelled to
Malaysia’s opposition is proof that Washington has a regional agenda of its
statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the
author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.
Apa KEJADAHnya ni?! Lihat di - http://beliabangkit.blogspot.com/2015/08/gambar-biar-betul-sprm-sertai-pakatan.html , GAMBAR : BIAR BETUL!!! SPRM Sertai Pakatan?, Diterbitkan Belia Bangkit!
Patutnya SPRM/PDRM juga menyiasat di bawah Akta TERORISMA juga sekali semua NGO-NGO/media/parti tajaan rejim-rejim PENGGANAS Barat-ISrael/ZIONIS-FREEMASON ni, yg. ingin MENUMBANGkan YAB PM BUMIPUTERA Islam/Melayu dan KERAJAAN di NEGARA ISLAM kita ini - kalau kat China dan Russia yg. sentiasa BERANI dan TEGAS; dah lama di HALAU keluaq!
Tengok tindakan TERBARU yg. amat BERANI dari RUSSIA mengHARAMkan NEDZionis/CIA-Mossad-amat KEPARAT ni – lihat di http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article42515.htm , Why Russia Shut Down NED Fronts, By Robert Parry, July 31, 2015:
….The secret hand behind NED’s creation was CIA Director William J. Casey who worked with senior CIA covert operation specialist Walter Raymond Jr. to establish NED in 1983. Casey – from the CIA – and Raymond – from his assignment inside President Ronald Reagan’s National Security Council – focused on creating a funding mechanism to support groups inside foreign countries that would engage in propaganda and political action that the CIA had historically organized and paid for covertly. To partially replace that CIA role, the idea emerged for a congressionally funded entity that would serve as a conduit for this money.
But Casey recognized the need to hide the strings being pulled by the CIA. “Obviously we here [at CIA] should not get out front in the development of such an organization, nor should we appear to be a sponsor or advocate,” Casey said in one undated letter to then-White House counselor Edwin Meese III – as Casey urged creation of a “National Endowment.”…..
Currently, Gershman’s NED dispenses more than $100 million a year in U.S. government funds to various NGOs, media outlets and activists around the world. The NED also has found itself in the middle of political destabilization campaigns against governments that have gotten on the wrong side of U.S. foreign policy. For instance, prior to the February 2014 coup in Ukraine, overthrowing elected President Viktor Yanukovych and installing an anti-Russian regime in Kiev, NED was funding scores of projects…….
So would an acknowledgement of where NED’s money comes from. How many governments would allow a hostile foreign power to sponsor politicians and civic organizations whose mission is to undermine and overthrow the existing government and put in someone who would be compliant to that foreign power?......
Nek Tempoyak.
Malangnya artikel Bowie ni TAK menagaitkan penglibatan ISrael/Zionis dlm. NED/NDI dll yg. mana rejim-rejim/Perisikan Barat sudah diKUASAI Zionis/MOSSAD-ISrael [bahkan PENGGANAS ISIS ditubuhkan Mossad/ISrael-CIA spt. telah didedahkan oleh bekas perisik US yg. lari ke Russia, Snowden- disyaki utamanya utk. MENJATUHkan Islam dan MEMBUNUH dlm. GENOSID, seramai mungkin umat ISLAM (utk. sindiket-sindiket ZIONIS dlm. pemerdagangan seks Pedofilia/organ), serta MEROMPAK Dunia Islam yg. kaya minyak-gas serta Thorium/Uranium (utk. pembuatan senjata Nuklear] - lihat di http://www.whale.to/b/bollyn.html , How Mossad Controls Our Political Parties, by Christopher Bollyn, 25 October 2008:
The evidence indicates that Israeli intelligence has near complete control of the leading political parties in Britain and the United States. While the Zionist political controllers in London and Washington are well known to the owners of the mass media, discussion of the subject of Zionist or Israeli control of the parties is censored in the media outlets they control. This censorship illustrates how Zionist control of the media serves to deceive the people and cause extreme harm to the nations.
Specific examples of the current pro-Israel bias in the mass media would include the media's unquestioning support of the 9-11 cover-up, the costly and disastrous wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the trillion dollar "bail-out." The complete lack of transparency in U.S. elections and discussion of the secretive private companies that run our elections are also censored subjects.
The utterly fraudulent Zionist construct called the "War on Terror" and the illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have all been designed and forced onto the American and British nations by Zionists who control the political systems of London, New York, and Washington.
In Britain, the two political leaders who have promoted and supported the Zionist agenda and wars of aggression are Tony Blair and Gordon Brown. Their Zionist paymasters and handlers are not hard to discern, although they are never discussed in the media in such terms……
Nek Tempoyak.
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