kepada tulisan sejarah di blog Jebat
Must Die,
dan komentar-komentar blogger ulung,Rocky
ingin dipaparkan sejarah pengganas Bintang Tiga atau MPAJA dan Chin
Peng yang dinaungi oleh Parti Komunis Malaya.
ini, sebahagian kaum Cina yang satu masa dahulu adalah mangsa
pengganas Komunis tiba-tiba memberi penghormatan kononnya mereka
adalah pejuang pembebas daripada penjajahan Jepun. Pengakuan mereka
ini adalah lemah dan satu pembohongan. Jelas sekali pihak-pihak dalam
masyarakat kaum Cina adalah antara 'buta sejarah' atau cauvanis yang
memutarbelit fakta.

Bintang Tiga hanya untuk menyelamatkan diri dari dan melawan
kezaliman Jepun ke atas kaum Cina. Semasa itu, negara China dan Jepun
sedang berperang.
Bagi mereka menjustifikasi keganasan Bintang Tiga terhadap orang Melayu, mereka kata ianya membelas dendam hanya terhadap orang Melayu yang bekerja dengan Jepun. Ini adalah satu alasan yang sengit dan putarbelit sejarah yang amat dahsyat. Mereka lakukan kezaliman dan pemerasan terhadap rakyat biasa, khususnya orang Melayu luar bandar. Ini tidak dapat dinafikan kerana ramai mangsa-mangsa yang menjadi saksi kezaliman ini masih hidup.
Sejarah Bintang Tiga yang dipetik dari Arkib Negara Malaysia adalah berikut:
Perang Dunia Kedua dan Pendudukan Jepun di Tanah Melayu mulai 8 Disember 1941 telah memberi peluang kepada Parti Komunis Malaya untuk memperkuatkan organisasinya. Parti Komunis Malaya yang ditubuhkan pada 20 April 1930 telah bekerjasama dengan pihak British untuk menentang Jepun melalui Tentera Anti-Jepun Rakyat Tanah Melayu (MPAJA) berdasarkan perjanjian yang dibuat pada 8 Disember 1940.Menerusi MPAJA, bantuan senjata, latihan, kewangan, bekalan lojistik dan perubatan telah diperolehi dari British.


tempoh 3 tahun kekuatan tentera MPAJA dianggarkan sebanyak 7,000
anggota dan tidak hairanlah apabila darurat berlaku pihak British dan
anggota pasukan keselamatan terpaksa berhadapan dengan kesukaran
menghapuskan sekumpulan tentera yang telah dilatih untuk berperang.
Jepun menyerah kalah, Parti Komunis Malaya telah mengambil kesempatan
untuk berkuasa menerusi gerila-gerila MPAJA. Beberapa siri keganasan
dan rusuhan serta pergaduhan antara kaum telah berlaku di Tanah
Melayu, terutamanya di bahagian selatan Tanah Melayu.

orang-orang Melayu mulai bertindak-balas terhadap kekejaman anggota
komunis Bintang Tiga, seperti pasukan yang diketuai oleh Panglima
Salleh Selempang Merah (Di
gambar atas: Berdiri di tengah antara dua polis).
Kembalinya British dengan pentadbiran tenteranya (BMA) dalam tempoh
yang singkat menyebabkan komunis Bintang Tiga tidak berjaya
mengembangkan pengaruh mereka. Akibat kegagalan komunis Bintang Tiga
merampas Tanah Melayu dengan gerakan bersenjata, telah membawa kepada
persetujuan pembubaran tentera MPAJA dan perletakan senjata api
disamping pembayaran saguhati kepada gerila-gerila terbabit.
meraih simpati, mereka
telah mengindoktrinasi fahaman komunis dan mendapatkan sokongan
orang-orang Melayu yang telah mengasaskan Parti Kebangsaan Melayu
Malaya (PKMM) yang
diasaskan oleh Ahmad
Boestamam berfahaman
kebangsaan dan Mokhtaruddin Lasso (MPAJA) berfahaman komunis pada 17
Oktober 1945. Parti
Komunis Malaya telah menguasai Parti Kebangsaan Melayu Malaya melalui
tokoh-tokoh jawatankuasanya yang
terdiri daripada Mokhtaruddin Lasso (Presiden), Arshad Ashaari
(bendahari), Rashid
Maidin, Abdullah
C.D. Parti
Kebangsaan Melayu Malaya lebih cenderung bagi Tanah Melayu menyertai
Indonesia bagi mendapat kemerdekaan pada 1949.
Persekutuan Tanah Melayu pada 1 Februari 1948 merupakan
kekalahan kepada Parti Komunis Malaya kerana golongan ini telah
diketepikan oleh British. Parti
Komunis Malaya telah menukar strategi dan mula mencetuskan kegagasan
melalui mogok dan rusuhan. Pihak
British bertindak balas dengan mengharamkan pemimpin politik daripada
mengetuai kesatuan pekerja, dengan itu melemahkan kedudukan komunis
Bintang Tiga.
komunis Bintang Tiga kemudiannya mulai mengangkat senjata dan
beberapa siri serangan dan serangan telah berlaku. Bagaimana
pun, insiden pada 16 Jun 1948 iaitu pembunuhan tiga orang pengurus
estet berbangsa Eropah di Sungai Siput, Perak telah membawa kepada
pengistiharan darurat oleh Sir Edward Gent.
keadaan bertambah teruk, pada 12 Julai 1948, darurat diistiharkan ke
seluruh negara. Parti Komunis Malaya telah diharamkan pada 23 Julai
1948. Seluruh
angkatan bersenjata telah digerakkan termasuk Senoi Praaq bagi
menentang komunis.
Peng meninggalkan rundingan Baling
kesukaran dan kekurangan sokongan dari masyarakat, pemimpin
Parti Komunis Malaya, Chin Peng telah meminta perundingan diadakan
pada tahun 1955. Rundingan
Baling ini yang diadakan pada 28-29 Disember 1955 tidak
membawa apa-apa keputusan drastik. Ini disebabkan kerajaan
menawarkan pengampunan dengan syarat Parti Komunis Malaya dibubarkan,
tetapi Chin Peng pula meminta Parti Komunis Malaya dibenarkan untuk
bergerak sebagai sebuah parti politik.

baru untuk kaum Cina yang dipindahkan
kerajaan yang telahpun mencapai kemajuan dalam membasmikan Parti
Komunis Malaya, dan menimbangkan kekejaman Parti Komunis Malaya
terhadap rakyat sebelumnya, menolak usul membenarkan Parti Komunis
Malaya dibenarkan bergerak sebagai sebuah parti politik. Tunku
kemudiannya menegaskan kepada rakyat bahawa Parti
Komunis Malaya bertindak menentang kerajaan sah yang telah dipilih
rakyat dan merdeka daripada penjajahan British.

Melayu mencapai kemerdekaan pada 31 Ogos 1957 ketika darurat masih
lagi berkuatkuasa. Pada 31 Julai 1960, darurat ditamatkan setelah
ancaman komunis semakin berkurangan dan pengunduran mereka ke
sempadan Tanah Melayu dan Thailand. Penempatan baru komunis di
sempadan telah membolehkan mereka mengumpul dan memulihkan
negara dibom komunis 1975
Selepas sekian lama dan atas kesedaran pucuk pimpinan Parti Komunis Malaya, maka pada 2 Disember 1989, Perjanjian Damai (Perjanjian Haadyai) telah ditandatangani di antara Parti Komunis Malaya dengan Kerajaan Malaysia dan Kerajaan Thailand. Perjanjian bersejarah itu telah menamatkan perjuangan bersenjata Parti Komunis Malaya selama 41 tahun dan mengembalikan taat setianya kepada Yang DiPertuan Agung dan patuh kepada Perlembagaan dan undang-undang negara.
sejarah MPAJA dan PKM menunjukkan mereka bukan pejuang pembebasan,
komentar dan penulis Syed Akbar Ali menulis di dalam laman yang sama
sejarah Chin Peng ynag bukan menujukkan dirinya pejuang pembebasan
dari kata-katanya sendiri, berikut:

NONE, I repeat NONE of the CPM members were freedom fighters. Please read Chin Peng’s biography. First of all the setting up of the Communist Party of Malaya was planned by the British (or they already had full cognisance of the CPM).The CPM’s inaugural meeting was held somewhere in Negeri Sembilan (I think) in 1938? where Ho Chi Minh was present. Ho Chi Minh’s real name was Nguyen Ai Quoc.
At this meeting was also one Lai Tek @ Loi Tek @ Wright @ Nguyen something @ Chan Hong aged about 38 who was made the first Secretary General of the Communist Party of Malaya. At this time Chin Peng was a about 15 years old in Sitiawan and did not know anything about the CPM.The CPM’s inaugural meeting was held somewhere in Negeri Sembilan (I think) in 1938? where Ho Chi Minh was present. Ho Chi Minh’s real name was Nguyen Ai Quoc.At this meeting was also one Lai Tek @ Loi Tek @ Wright @ Nguyen something @ Chan Hong aged about 38 who was made the first Secretary General of the Communist Party of Malaya. At this time Chin Peng was a about 15 years old in Sitiawan and did not know anything about the CPM.

Tek (a Vietnamese - so how was he a freedom fighter in Malaya) who
was made the first Sec Gen of the CPM was already a British Agent. He
had been a French agent in Vietnam but was arrested by the French.
Then he was “sent” by the French to the British in Hong Kong
where Loi Tek became a British agent, helping the British smoke out
Communist labour unions in the Hong Kong docks. Until his
disappearance Loi Tek could not speak a word of Malay.
In the late 1930s, the Brits “sent” Loi Tek to Singapore and handled him when he organised the port workers in Singpoare. Since Loi Tek had frends in the COMINTERN, the Brits were fully informed of the COMINTERN’s decision about that time to set up Communist insurrections around South East Asia.
Loi Tek was then co-opted by the British when he organised the Communist Party of Malaya on Comintern instructions. From day one, the British knew the inside out of the CPM.
During the Japanese occupation of Malaya, Loi Tek remained behind in Malaya and became an agent of the Kempeitai. Loi Tek had free access to travel during the Japanese occupation.
In the late 1930s, the Brits “sent” Loi Tek to Singapore and handled him when he organised the port workers in Singpoare. Since Loi Tek had frends in the COMINTERN, the Brits were fully informed of the COMINTERN’s decision about that time to set up Communist insurrections around South East Asia.
Loi Tek was then co-opted by the British when he organised the Communist Party of Malaya on Comintern instructions. From day one, the British knew the inside out of the CPM.
During the Japanese occupation of Malaya, Loi Tek remained behind in Malaya and became an agent of the Kempeitai. Loi Tek had free access to travel during the Japanese occupation.
the Japs invaded Malaya, Chin Peng was
barely 20 years old. He wanted
to go to China and join Mao Tse Tung to fight the Japanese there. But
since the japs were already here, the fight came to Chin Peng. So he
did not have to go to China.
When the Japs invaded Malaya, Chin Peng started going underground. Even at this time Chin Peng was NOT a member of the Communist Party of Malaya. He was a member of Mao Tse Tung’s Anti Enemy Backing Up Society, HQ in China.
When the Japs invaded Malaya, Chin Peng started going underground. Even at this time Chin Peng was NOT a member of the Communist Party of Malaya. He was a member of Mao Tse Tung’s Anti Enemy Backing Up Society, HQ in China.
this time Chin Peng had no idea that someday in the future anyone
would be saying that he was a freedom fighter for Malaya! Chin
Peng had no idea about the CPM. He did not know what it was.
Peng had joined Mao Tse Tung’s Anti-Enemy Backing Up Society
(AEBUS) and
NOT the Communist Party of Malaya. The AEBUS later evolved into the
Min Yuen.

1942-43, the British sent in Spencer Chapman and
a few other agents to organise
resistance AMONGST THE MALAYAN CHINESE against the Japanese. Two
vehicles were chosen FOR THE MALAYAN CHINESE ie the Communist Party
of Malaya for the Communists and the Kuomintang for the Chiang Kai
shek supporters. By this time Chin Peng was a member of the
Spencer Chapman was landed by submarine at Segari along with Lim Bo Seng (representing Chiang Kai Shek’s Kuomintang) to meet Loi Tek (representing the Mao Tse Tung Communists).
Spencer Chapman was landed by submarine at Segari along with Lim Bo Seng (representing Chiang Kai Shek’s Kuomintang) to meet Loi Tek (representing the Mao Tse Tung Communists).

Peng was present as Chapman’s guide. The meeting took place at a
place called Blantan near Bidor in Perak.
Loi Tek drove up from Singapore in a car, during Japanese occupation. He was NOT molested by the Japanese.
When these folks all met at the Blantan camp, Spencer Chapman knew Loi Tek (the Sec Gen of the CPM and Chin Peng’s Boss) was a British agent because Chapman had met Loi Tek before in Singapore when Loi Tek was handled by the British Special Branch in Singapore.
Then Loi Tek, Lim Bo Seng and the other British agents present at Blantan (Broome, etc) signed a piece of scrap paper about some agreement. The so called agreement was written by hand and was written on school notebook paper. Chin Peng did not sign because at this time he was only about 22 years old and did not know anything.
Since Loi Tek was already Chapman’s ‘agent’, Chapman did not sign the agreement (maybe Chapman he could not take the hypocrisy).
During the Japanese occupation, Loi Tek kept betraying CPM leaders to the Japanese. In one famous incident the so called ‘top leadership’ of the CPM (actually squatter farmers, rubber tappers, carpenters etc) was wiped out by the Japanese during a ’secret’ meeting in Batu Caves. Loi Tek had informed the Japs of the secret meeting.
Then in 1945 after the Japs surrendered, Loi Tek became a British agent again. He fully briefed the Brits about who was who in the CPM. (Still no freedom fighters there).
Finally in 1947 the CPM started becoming suspicious that their Sec Gen Loi Tek was an enemy agent. The Brits told Loi Tek about this. Loi Tek escaped along with a million Dollars of CPM party funds. They say that Loi Tek ran away to Thailand where he was killed by the Thai Communists. Others have said the Brits spirited Loi Tek to London. Loi Tek was a mystery.
Loi Tek drove up from Singapore in a car, during Japanese occupation. He was NOT molested by the Japanese.
When these folks all met at the Blantan camp, Spencer Chapman knew Loi Tek (the Sec Gen of the CPM and Chin Peng’s Boss) was a British agent because Chapman had met Loi Tek before in Singapore when Loi Tek was handled by the British Special Branch in Singapore.
Then Loi Tek, Lim Bo Seng and the other British agents present at Blantan (Broome, etc) signed a piece of scrap paper about some agreement. The so called agreement was written by hand and was written on school notebook paper. Chin Peng did not sign because at this time he was only about 22 years old and did not know anything.
Since Loi Tek was already Chapman’s ‘agent’, Chapman did not sign the agreement (maybe Chapman he could not take the hypocrisy).
During the Japanese occupation, Loi Tek kept betraying CPM leaders to the Japanese. In one famous incident the so called ‘top leadership’ of the CPM (actually squatter farmers, rubber tappers, carpenters etc) was wiped out by the Japanese during a ’secret’ meeting in Batu Caves. Loi Tek had informed the Japs of the secret meeting.
Then in 1945 after the Japs surrendered, Loi Tek became a British agent again. He fully briefed the Brits about who was who in the CPM. (Still no freedom fighters there).
Finally in 1947 the CPM started becoming suspicious that their Sec Gen Loi Tek was an enemy agent. The Brits told Loi Tek about this. Loi Tek escaped along with a million Dollars of CPM party funds. They say that Loi Tek ran away to Thailand where he was killed by the Thai Communists. Others have said the Brits spirited Loi Tek to London. Loi Tek was a mystery.
Peng was incensed and sufffered great loss of face. To
save face, Chin
Peng and the CPM decided to launch a war against the Brits. I
think it was a retaliation against the Brits for making such fools of
the CPM. There
was no freedom fighting involved. It
was a simple case of ’shit they have made such idiots of
Spencer Chapman returned to England where he suffered depression and later cmmitted suicide. He knew what he did in Malaya, help nurture the CPM, which caused so much death and desruction.
The whole CPM thing was a game played by the British.
Spencer Chapman returned to England where he suffered depression and later cmmitted suicide. He knew what he did in Malaya, help nurture the CPM, which caused so much death and desruction.
The whole CPM thing was a game played by the British.
rasmi dan fitrah sebahagian kaum Cina yang tidak henti memutarbelit
fakta untuk menipu, sentiasa degil berkeras dan tiada berlebih
kurang, dan sentiasa menunggu untuk belot dan tikam dari
bersekongkol dengan penjajah British dan mempunyai niat untuk
menjajah negara ini. Ini semua adalah permainan penjajah dengan
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